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RF Electronics Appendix 1: Importing Local Vendor and Spice Files Page 385 2022, C. J. Kikkert, James Cook University, ISBN 978-0-6486803-9-0. Appendix 1 Importing Local Vendor and Spice Files Local Vendor Libraries AWR Design Environment contains component web based XML libraries using an industry standard format that can be accessed from the Cadence web site. The library contents are automatically retrieved when the relevant Element Browser area is selected. It may be desirable to download and install those libraries locally, and access the elements locally, rather than having to rely on internet access. At present, the AWR Design Environment support has moved from the web site to the online support system, so the vendor libraries available from the AWR download web site, only support vendor local files for AWR Design Environment up to V14. As a result, it is more desirable to use the components that are automatically downloaded from the AWR web site in the element browser, if they are suitable. As part of this change, newer libraries have become available [1]. For example, the Wolfspeed (Cree) library was used in the power amplifier of Chapter 9, figures 46-53. That library can be accessed after applying for access to the Wolfspeed RF portal [2, 3]. The Ampleon MWO library can be downloaded direct from their web site [4] and their library will be used as an example, since no access permission is required. The installation process for this library is as follows: 1) Create a folder in a suitable temporary location like the desktop. This folder can be named Ampleon. 2) Download the library zip file, the manual and the example project file into that folder. Unzip the library. That will create an AMP_Product_Lib_V15p00 folder in the Ampleon file. In that folder will then be an AMP_Product folder. In the C:Program Files(x86) there will be an AWR folder, where all the AWD software is located. In that folder, there may be a Foundry folder, if not, create it. 3) Copy the AMP_Product folder into the Foundry folder, as shown in figure A1.1. One may need to have administrator rights to place the the AMP_Product folder into the Foundry folder. (That is the reason for using the temporary Ampleon folder to unzip the files into). That AMP_Product folder will then contain all the required library files. Figure A1.1 shows the resulting Ampleon Library folder files. The Cree Wolfspeed AWR Library has some additional files in it as shown in figure A1.2. Figure A1.1 Ampleon Library folder structure. RF Electronics: Design and Simulation 385