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Sigrity Tech Tip: How PCB Designers Can Create Initial PDN Constraints Without Becoming a PI Expert

Allegro Sigrity PI Base and the PI Signoff and Optimization option from Cadence are demonstrated.

Sigrity technologists guide you step by step on how to setup your power delivery network (PDN) constraints by using straight forward IPC calculations, instead of waiting for power integrity (PI) experts to establish constraints.

By doing so, PCB designers can quickly develop and verify their design meets first order power delivery network constraints. When the requirements are received from the power integrity expert, a minimal amount of rework will be required which will allow more time for the power integrity expert to optimize the design for both cost and performance.

With time savings for both PCB designers and PI experts, the entire design cycle can be accelerated. Ultimately your product will meet or beat your product delivery schedule securing significant profits for your company.


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