Radar Systems with AWR Software
Software technologies and library support simulation and modeling of radar systems
Radar systems can be classified as ground-based, airborne, space-borne, or ship-based as
well as by frequency band, antenna, or waveform type. Additionally, functionality can vary
from tracking to early warning, to over the horizon, and more. The Cadence
AWR Design
platform for radar system design enables detailed behavioral modeling of the
RF and signal processing of a radar system, together with 3D antenna patterns derived from
synthesis or measurement. Third-party links to custom signal processing algorithms and test
and measurement (T&M) instruments allow a device under test (DUT) to be incorporated into
the simulation, where real-world signals can be captured or an impaired signal synthesized
from a point in the simulated system.
Radar Advantage
Radar systems are complex and depend heavily on signal
processing algorithms to mitigate the effects of noise and
interference. This places heavy demands on the tool chain
and therefore requires a platform that supports simulation,
verification, and models for signal generation, trans-
mission, antenna, T/R switching, clutter, noise, jamming,
receiving, signal processing, and measurements.
The Cadence AWR
Visual System Simulator™ (VSS)
software for radar systems design supports all of this,
from algorithm modeling all the way through to debugging
environment via languages such as C++, LabVIEW,