LTCC Transmit/Receive X-Band Module with a Phased Array Antenna
Step 4: Importing the MMIC for the PA and LNA
The AWR Design Environment software supports the use of multi-technology, which allows designers to include several PDK
technologies such as PCBs, LTCCs, MMICs, and RFICs in the same project. The MMIC was imported with all the MMIC process defini-
tions, including global definitions, low-pass filter (LPF), schematic, layout, linear and nonlinear models, and more (Figure 10).
Figure 10: The MMIC was imported with all the process definitions
Wiring the MMIC PA
Once the MMIC PA was imported, it was placed in the layout and the iNets tool was used to add the bondwires, vias, and bias
lines (Figure 11).
Figure 11: The iNets tool was used to add the bondwires, vias, and bias lines