LTCC Transmit/Receive X-Band Module with a Phased Array Antenna
Step 2: Creating the PCB/LTCC Within AWR Microwave Office Software
Next, the PCB and LTCC were designed. The PCB contains two dielectric layers, on top of which sits an LTCC, including a
MMIC PA. The process creator technology in the AWR Design Environment software generated the STACKUP and intelligent
net (iNet) technology was used for generating the layout files, cells, and other substrate blocks.
The process design kit (PDK) of the LTCC can be set as a standalone, as can the PCB (Figure 6). Creating both at the same
time enables designers to save time by using the multi-technology feature with the software. Once the STACKUP was created
(Figure 7), it was an easy process at any point to draw the layout of either the PCB or LTCC, or a combination of both.
Figure 6: Process creator tool
Figure 7: The process creator generates global definitions, a layout process file, and via layout cells