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Conquer Radio Frequency

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CHAPTER 2 - Conveying Power at Radio Frequency 94 Figure 2.9-2 Graphical Representation of ( ) Let us now consider some significant values of (since is fixed for a specific transmission line and frequency) and see how they affect the impedance of our line. For , equation (2.9-1) becomes Which is fairly obvious since no transmission line would exist. For , equation (2.9-1) becomes ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) So we have found that, if a transmission line which is half a wavelength long is placed between source and load, our transmission line will become transparent. This will be true for every value of which makes equal to (or an integer multiple of ) and hence ( ) equal to zero. Let us find the values of for which this is true. The Equation above is satisfied when So if our line length is equal to a multiple of a half wavelength, , irrespective of ! You may think, "Well splendid then! I'll just make every transmission line in my circuit equal to a multiple of and I'll be sorted!" Well, not quite! Firstly, depending on your wavelength, this may make your circuit rather large! Conquer Radio Frequency 94

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