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Conquer Radio Frequency

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4.6 S-Parameters, Impedance and Smith Charts in MWO 195 4.6 S-Parameters, Impedance and Smith Charts in MWO In this section we will introduce the reader to the basics of high-frequency circuit simulation in Microwave Office. Let us start with a circuit of the type shown in Figure 4.4-1 where the generator is connected to the load through a transmission line of physical length and characteristic impedance equal to its internal impedance. A signal is sent down this line all the way to the load. Depending on what the signal finds as a load, some of it may be reflected back to the generator and we need to measure the power of this reflected signal and divide it by the incident one (eq. (3.8-1)) to find the reflection coefficient ( ) . From this value, we can work out the impedance seen by the generator by using equation (4.4-1). But how do we actually measure incident and reflected power? In a laboratory we would use devices called directional couplers, which are able to tap a tiny sample of power off the transmission line and also allow us to work out which way the power is flowing! In a simulation environment we have specific elements called ports. Ports are ubiquitous in the simulation of high frequency circuits and you must understand thoroughly how they work! Figure 4.6-1 S-parameter measurement setup Figure 4.6-2 Equivalent S-parameter measurement setup in MWO Let us first consider Figure 4.6-1 which is essentially the same as Figure 4.4-1 where we have added directional power meters and have specified the length of the line by its electrical length θ instead of its physical length . How can we implement this circuit in MWO? ǡθ (l) θ Conquer Radio Frequency 195

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