4.4 Matching any two complex impedances - Smith Chart Matching
4.4.2 Admittance Smith Chart
When it comes to admittance, we may follow a similar procedure. First of all, we normalise
each admittance by diving it by the characteristic admittance of the RF system, which is equal to the
inverse of the characteristic impedance,
Yet again we will indicate the normalised admittances, and their respective conductances and
susceptances with lower case letters and un-normalised ones with upper case letters. For an
admittance we define a normalised equivalent as
To de-normalise our admittance all we need to do is multiply by
. Also note how an admittance
equal to the characteristic admittance of the system, has a normalised value of 1.
Next we consider lines of constant normalised conductance (Figure 4.4-7) and lines of
constant normalised susceptance (Figure 4.4-8). And we bend them in such a way as to fit in the
unity radius polar plot of the reflection coefficient as shown in Figure 4.4-9.
Figure 4.4-7 Constant Normalised conductance circles
Figure 4.4-8
Constant normalised susceptance circles
Conquer Radio Frequency
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