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Conquer Radio Frequency

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2.9 Transmission Lines Applied to High Frequency Circuits 101 Now, referring back to Figure 2.9-1, let consider one last interesting length for the transmission line, . For , equation (2.9-1) becomes ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Now, if our line is terminated with a short circuit, i.e. , equation (2.9-1) becomes This means that, if we measure the input impedance of a line terminated with a short circuit, its modulus will be equal to the characteristic impedance of our transmission line. Also if there was an open circuit at the end of the line, i.e. , then So, yet again, the modulus of gives us the characteristic impedance of the line. This is a very useful trick when it comes to verifying the impedance of a transmission line. You may for example design a line by using a formula to achieve a specific impedance value and then wish to verify its actual impedance either by simulation or direct measurement. To this end you can choose a frequency ( ) at which your line appears long where is the speed of propagation along the line and is its actual physical length. By measuring the input impedance of the line and taking its modulus you can then verify the actual impedance of your line. (2.9-4) Conquer Radio Frequency 101

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