RF Electronics Appendix 1: Importing Local Vendor and Spice Files Page 388
2022, C. J. Kikkert, James Cook University, ISBN 978-0-6486803-9-0.
and select View Spice Model. Select all the PSpice text and paste that into Notepad or
similar plain text editor. Then save that text as THS4021.cir. To import it into AWR
platform, in the project browser, select Netlist
Import Netlist as outlined above for the
AD797. The simulation can then be carried, as has been done in the Figure 10.20 AWR
Design Environment project file.
Sometimes the PSpice files produce simulation errors. For example using PSpice for TI
for the THS4271 OpAmp, produces and error: Node count error in element VCCS on line
111. Other devices like the OPA691 [7] OpAmp or the have ADA4895 [8], have a disable
pin. The associated switch description, at this stage does not import correctly into AWR
Design Environment. It is possible to edit and correct the Spice files to eliminate errors
and warnings that occur during importing of the Spice files. For example, the 'S_Device'
and 'vswitch' descriptions in the ADA4895 Spice files can be modified, so that the enable
pin is deleted and the OpAmp is always enabled. That will then overcome the errors
during the importation of the files.
1. Third Party Vendor Libraries.
2. CREE Large Signal Models for GaN-based HEMTs,
3. Request RF Portal access, https://www.wolfspeed.com/tools-and-support/rf/rf-
4. Ampleon Model Libraries for Microwave Office,
5. Analog Devices, AD797, Ultralow Distortion, Ultralow Noise Op Amp.
6. Texas Instruments PSpice for TI, https://www.ti.com/tool/PSPICE-FOR-TI
7. Texas Instruments, OPA691Wideband Current Feedback Operational Amplifier
with Disable. http://www.ti.com/product/OPA691
8. Analog Devices, ADA4895-1, Low Power, 1 nV/Hz, G 10 Stable, Rail to Rail
Output Amplifier. http://www.analog.com/en/products/amplifiers/operational-
RF Electronics: Design and Simulation
388 www.cadence.com/go/awr